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Means Morning News

Jan 28, 2022

-Watchdog slams US covid response

-Anti-vaxxer Sarah Palin tries to infect as many people as possible

-Capital’s court strips rail workers of right to strike

-Anti-Fash victories in socialist history

-Rich Dick is a police snitch

MMN 1/27/22

Jan 27, 2022

-Whatever happens in Ukraine, western capital will profit

-CDC tries to spin 2,000+ deaths a day into good news

-The Fed plans to cut down workers

-Florida is a laboratory of reaction 

-Musk rocket to crash on moon

Jan 26, 2022

-Congress wants war, too

-Communist Cuba announces global vaccine sharing plan

-FTC blocks war profiteer consolidation

-Amazon using dirty tricks ahead of union election #2

-Celebrities are scamming you with NFTs

Jan 25, 2022

-Uncle Sam Wants YOU in the Donbas

-More than 30 Starbucks cafes now organizing 

-Torture of Julian Assange continues 

-Biden outpacing Trump in granting new drilling permits

-The ruling class and their puppets in the media are “done with covid” but the virus has other plans

-Telescope set to unlock secrets of...

Jan 17, 2022

-Democrats clueless about future political extinction

-Exploited Kroger workers fight back

-Hottest 7 years in human history

-Rikers hunger strike 

-Weed unions and mushroom billionaires

-Joe Rogan’s not this week’s Rich Dick, but he gets dragged anyway